Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mt. Assiniboine-Second Layer-Canadian Rockies

I have been having discussions with different people about life today and life in the time of Michelangelo, Davinci, Picasso and all of the amazing artists of those times. Someone said to me "They had exactly the same hours in a day as we do, the same amount of time". I agreed with this, but also disagreed. Today we do have the same hours in the day as the Masters, but not the same time. They did not have to deal with 80 emails a day at work and 20 at home. They did not have to text, answer cell phones etc. I guess I don't have to deal with it all if I decide not to.

They also did not have the iPad, where you can take a picture and then bring it into your studio and use it as your study image.
This photo was taken in my studio, showing my paints, the second layer of a painting and my iPad with my study image.
The challenge today is to use technology wisely, to be creative.......but to also keep creating.
As always, I am enjoying the journey.
Bob Krysak

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