Thursday, January 26, 2017

Castle Stars-Canadian Rockies

It is said the unaimed arrow never misses. What that means is if you don't plan everything to the nth degree, you discover new things because you are more flexible for change. I mentioned earlier in a blog how I was doing two paintings at the same time so I didn't have to wait for the paint to dry. I crossed a bridge where I got so involved with Castle Stars, I had to keep painting it until it was finished.

At one point I had no plan....I just started splashing color down and enjoying the results. I put Antwerp blue on the ramparts and Yellow Ochre and Burnt Umber on the cliffs. The lower slopes are different intensities of Sepia and the trees popped off the brush in various shades of Turquoise green.

I am enjoying creating bright, vibrant paintings that represent the mountains and nature around me.
Robert Krysak

Castles Stars
Watercolor and Ink
18" x 24"

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