Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Castle Stars-Rundle Moon-Canadian Rockies

It has been interesting working on these paintings. As I bounce from one to the other there definitely are different feelings and emotions. They are the same in some ways and yet different. In each case the end result will be individual and unique.

A friend of ours from Nova Scotia left this earth a week ago. As I was painting the sky with the myriad of stars I was thinking of him on his new journey thru the solar system. Rest well Stevoreno....you will not be forgotten.

Painting the night shades of the sky is always a surprise. Because the paint floats across the canvas I am never really sure what the outcome will be. As I have no expectations I am never disappointed. I realize I need to practice this more in my day to day life and be more forgiving and understanding.
Robert Krysak

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