Monday, April 13, 2020


I have now masked in most of the areas on the canvas I want to have a clean, sharp line afterward. My challenge now is to decide what the sky is going to look like. One part of me wants colours streaming across the sky following the raven. The other side wants that crisp, icy blue you find in the mountains in the Spring. Usually, a meditation session helps me visualize what is next in the journey. We'll see what is offered and put it to the canvas.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


A lot of thought goes into the piece at this stage, mapping out images/design and concept. I begin to mask in certain areas so once the paint goes on and I remove the masking material there is a clean, sharp edge. The sky is giving me challenges as I am trying to decide how to lay it down.....more clouds and swirls of clouds or layers of blue? The middle of the picture is pretty straight forward......Sleeping Buffalo (Tunnel Mountain) with the Cheif present in Mt. Rundle. The foreground will be roots, water, and fish....the mountain landscape that surrounds us.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


Initial pencil sketch laying out ideas 
Pencil sketch on canvas, outlining buffalo, chief, and raven

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”. Mark Twain.
I've been told I have an imagination. I've been struggling lately to create any new art. With the challenges going on in the world, I have spent much time thinking about the future of the world, for my family, my wife, and my son. The other day while on a bike ride to Vermilion lakes, I looked back at Sleeping Buffalo (Tunnel Mountain) and Mount Rundle. I imagined a buffalo resting on the grass, and off to the side, a Stoney Nakoda Chief watching over the buffalo and the Bow Valley. It is a work in progress, and I want to capture water, wildlife, earth, and sky.
Robert Krysak

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


“Water flows free and wild, not aware of any boundaries or rules or traditions. Not bothered about anything gone or left behind, she eagerly rushes to new dimensions in her life knowing the best is yet to come. Learn to be like the soul of water; clean, compassionate, loving yet strong enough to endure anything.” Harshada Pathare. I went for my first bike ride today. It was 7c, the sun was shining and water was flowing everywhere. My soul was bursting with the excitement of the promise of Spring. As I rode along, I also thought of the promise of our new world once this world challenge ends. Get outside and enjoy the journey.

Sunday, April 5, 2020


“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need”. Tao Te Ching. 

I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember. Pencil and paper are well-known friends and have been my travelling companions for years. This quick sketch is of 2 of the 12 windows we have in our living room. From every window in our humble abode, you can see mountains and trees. It will be fun to sketch the view I see thru each of them. 
Enjoy the journey

Saturday, April 4, 2020


The finished pieces of art. Paper towel.

Watercolour Paper

Parchment paper
I hope you have enjoyed following this journey as much as I have enjoyed creating it. Except for the paper, I could eat these. The next challenge is a surface to paint on that is edible. 
Listening to Terry David Mulligan on CKUA as I work on this blog.

Be safe

Robert Krysak


While the watercolour paper and parchment paper were painted with wet paint on dry paper, the paper towel piece is wet colour on wet paper. It absorbs in quickly providing an interesting look. Here I'm using the larger razor brush.

To add some different layers of colour I mix blueberry with mustard and throw in a bit of spinach.

The image comes to life as I add more layers of colour.


Each substrate/paper reacts differently to the colours. Here the colours sit on top of the parchment paper as the paper is made to repel things and keep things from sticking. I'm using the larger razor brush to put in the sky. Pieces of blueberry show up on the paper and give an interesting texture.

On the watercolour paper, I first brush in the red wine to begin to layer in some sky. It is a malbec and it's surprising how thin it covers the paper.

Again on the watercolour paper, I brush in some blueberry into the sky. On the right side, I brush in some mustard. The slope of the mountain in the foreground is a mix of blueberry and mustard, and the spinach is used for the trees. Using the toothbrush and the small razor cleaner for the strokes.

I let the first layer dry, then brush in more of my blueberry/mustard mix....almost grey.

I use the toothbrush to layer in more colour in the sky and the foreground.


With my paints ready, I sketch in some lines of Mt. Rundle on each piece.

Rundle on parchment paper

Rundle on watercolour paper

Rundle on wet paper towel


I used a comb, q-tips, electric razor cleaning brushes and a toothbrush as my painting tools

I cut back bristles on the toothbrush to have more of a point.

I then microwaved some frozen blueberries.

Next, I blended the berries in a small processor.

My green was made with blended spinach and water.

My red was made with blended strawberries, and mustard was used for yellow. In each colour I added an egg yolk and vinegar for bonding.


I decided to make my own paper for painting, even though I have lots of watercolour paper. This is for those at home who want to create but do not have the tools. I used a cookie sheet as my template and layered in the paper towel. I would put one layer down, then wet with a spray bottle with water. After each layer, I would flatten with my hand and then roll with a water bottle. I then baked in the oven at 350 for a couple of minutes, then poured a layer of water again over the paper, an ounce or so. In the oven again for 2 minutes, then I let sit wet on the counter as I prepared my colours.


"Creativity is contagious, pass it on". Albert Einstein

I have lots of art supplies in the house, but what if you want to create, you have no supplies, and stores are closed? I decided to make my own.

The painting above was painted on layers of paper towels. The colours were created from blueberries, spinach, mustard, strawberries.........each blended separately then I added an egg yolk and vinegar. In the next few days, I will post images of 3 paintings, one on watercolour paper, one on parchment paper and one on paper towels. I will walk thru the process of how colours were created and what I used to paint with.

Enjoy the journey.

Robert Krysak