Saturday, April 4, 2020


Each substrate/paper reacts differently to the colours. Here the colours sit on top of the parchment paper as the paper is made to repel things and keep things from sticking. I'm using the larger razor brush to put in the sky. Pieces of blueberry show up on the paper and give an interesting texture.

On the watercolour paper, I first brush in the red wine to begin to layer in some sky. It is a malbec and it's surprising how thin it covers the paper.

Again on the watercolour paper, I brush in some blueberry into the sky. On the right side, I brush in some mustard. The slope of the mountain in the foreground is a mix of blueberry and mustard, and the spinach is used for the trees. Using the toothbrush and the small razor cleaner for the strokes.

I let the first layer dry, then brush in more of my blueberry/mustard mix....almost grey.

I use the toothbrush to layer in more colour in the sky and the foreground.

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