Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mt. Assiniboine-Early Morning-Canadian Rockies

It's hard to believe that two weeks has gone by since I lifted up a brush. Work has been busy, and time as a hockey Dad and husband have been filling the days with many activities. Each morning I have been outside watching as the rising sun bathes the peaks in early morning light. The contrast from light to dark is so powerful, and I want my painting to capture that magical moment before the full force of the sun hits the peaks.

I put another wash of my blue mix over the mountain, leaving the area where the morning light is hitting alone. I then add to the mix a heavy dose of sepia, a very dark, staining paint that will give true definition, contrast and depth. I am using a very small, angled brush to create the angled areas of rock. Many times I step back from the painting and view it from different distances and angles to make sure there is shape and form to the peak.
In the back ground I am listening to Salty Dog, "Live Your Life".

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