Thursday, September 6, 2018

Bugaboo Sky-Canadian Rockies

It's September in the mountains. The early morning air is so crisp and cool it slaps you in the face when you step outside.  When you exhale there is a vapour cloud. As the sun warms up the earth, dew is dripping off the trees, birds are singing and the world comes alive.

I was in the backcountry this week in the Bugaboos. At the end of the valley is Bugaboo Glacier, with the granite tooth, Houndstooth/Marmolata towering above the ice. Sitting on a bridge that spans Bugaboo Creek, I did a quick sketch of the landscape in front of me. My challenge for myself is to absorb my surroundings, really blend my senses into the surrounding environment, and create a sketch in less than 7 minutes.

Bugaboo Sky
4" x 5"
Watercolour on Moleskin

Robert Krysak

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